What is a Certificate of Analysis for Food Production
A Certificate of Analysis is a standard way of documenting within the food safety chain how conformance to safety and quality standards are monitored. The Certificate of Analysis for food production supplies evidence of measurements and actions taken in regard to the referenced lot or batch of material and is a critical component of the food safety chain.
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Requirements of a Certificate of Analysis for Food Production

Certificates of Analysis for Food Production are legal documents. Great care must be taken to be sure the contents are accurate. It is expected that source data is retained to substantiate any evidence quoted on the certificate. Certificates carry signatures or statements confirming the accuracy of the contents. Failure to provide Certificates of Analysis in hard copy or electronic form with shipments can result in delivery refusals making the ability to quickly create accurate documents a high priority for risk mitigation.
What Data is Needed on a Certificate of Analysis for Food?
There is no one size fits all layout or content specification for a certificate of analysis for food production. The data observations and other details recorded will vary by industry, product and by the needs of your customers. The data required will also vary by whether you are supplying a raw material, a processed product or a finished packaged item. You can expect your customer’s will be very clear about the observations they want reported on the certificate to confirm quality and safety standards are being met.
Customers don’t all want the same information in the same format. This means your reporting tools must easily support delivering the correct content in the correct layout for each customer while still allowing you to maintain well-controlled processes.
Read more about our solutions to these and other common problems that come up when trying to generate a Certificate of Analysis or learn how to create a Certificate of Analysis.
What are the Benefits of Digital Transformation when Creating Certificates of Analysis for Food?
For most Quality Control departments, the efforts of constantly updating spreadsheets and filing paper documents is a time drain on your department resources. You know that using these tools exposes you to data integrity risks due to lack of true audit trails, limited ability to share paper-based data with multiple channels, and the need for constant checking of recorded outputs.
Achieving the benefits of digital transformation begins with centralized, secure data collection of all your quality control and quality assurance data. No more worrying about lost paper or corrupted spreadsheets.
Once the data is written to a relational database, you have the ability to share it, analyze it, and report on it. All while eliminating the worries and concerns of data loss or that processing bottlenecks will prevent timely delivery of Certificate of Analysis reports.
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