Data Collection and Data Analysis
Access Data Immediately with Built-in Dashboard
Gain valuable insights into trends and events while you monitor shop floor activities through data collection and data analysis efforts. Dashboard tools directly linked to your existing data means there are no more delays while you wait for data to be transferred between applications.

A – Use interactive controls to select your data view at any time.
B – Share dashboard content easily with others.
C – Set scale to non-zero axis for concise data view.
D – Customize labels and titles to improve understanding of content.
E – Drill down on displayed data for more details.
(Hover over image to see magnified view)
Record Types and Tools for Data Management
Test Records
Test records identify the observable testing event and define key characteristics such as test conditions, methods, and instructions for execution. A selection from over 9 data types controls data integrity.
Identify inspection routines and assign an unlimited number of test events to each routine to reflect the detailed needs of your processes. Set order of operations and frequency.
Define acceptable quality levels for testing results based on numerical values, Boolean evaluations, or user-defined lists.
Define and apply defect codes to non-conforming test results. Unlimited defects can be assigned to any observable event.
Item Specification
Provide customers with records and reports for all material performance specifications and manage required data.
Data Templates
Templates are user-defined tools. They manage data selection for each certificate. An unlimited number of templates are allowed.
Operational Data
Manage business operations data like Item ID, Sales Order, Vendor ID, to reduce errors and eliminate duplicate entry.
Dashboard Designer
Generate dashboard controls from any data in your database. Pivot tables, Six Sigma calculations, and other visual representations of your data can be created and run in real time.
Report Designer
A range of standard reports are provided and an unlimited number of new or modified reports can be built to meet business needs.
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Why does Pricing Based on Unlimited User Access Make Sense?

A comprehensive system for the collection and analysis of the data generated by your quality management system, in order to be effective, has to support multiple input and output points concurrently. Restrictions of activity due to licensing considerations, whether for tasks of data collection or data analysis, quickly become points of failure for your processes because they limit the ability to respond consistently and promptly. Structuring activity processing around licensing restrictions will also degrade your efficiency. Providing unlimited user access means everyone on the team can participate in the quality mission and you can decide how best to utilize the software for the well-being of your organization.
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Contact Information
+1 (866) 949-9504, ext 811
+1 (866) 949-9504, ext 2