Collaborative Quality Management Solutions
Published January 2020, GPOptimizer Winter Edition by Frances Donnelly, C.Q.P.A., Director Product Development and Sales, Horizons International
Our latest article in GPOptimizer offers some straight-forward advice about the increasing demand for collaborative quality management systems.
Confidence in the quality of your products is a critical requirement for your customers.
Every department in your organization has a role to play in keeping...

Is your Quality Management System Ready for Digital Transformation?
Published July 2019, GPOptimizer Summer Edition by Frances Donnelly, C.Q.P.A., Director Product Development and Sales, Horizons International
If you are experiencing these frustrations, then digitally transforming your quality management processes should be in your future.
- Tired trying to generate your quality control data for Certificates of Analysis and Conformance with off line systems and constantly worrying if the archived documents are recoverable?
- Fed up searching through network folders for the right excel spreadsheet to use to generate a certificate?

For Quality Management Systems, Comfort Can Destroy Success
Published January 2019, GPOptimizer Winter Edition by Frances Donnelly, C.Q.P.A., Director Product Development and Sales, Horizons International
What do Excel and a 1990’s era recliner have in common?
Being comfortable with our existing tools can cause us to miss the benefits that new solutions will bring. Check out the top 5 problems QES solves.

Statistical Process Control Encourages the Whole Organization to Contribute to Customer Service Goals
Published July 2018, GPOptimizer Summer Edition by Frances Donnelly, C.Q.P.A., Director Product Development and Sales, Horizons International
Whether your business is service, distribution or manufacturing based, achieving and maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction is always a goal. Too often though, we monitor and measure customer satisfaction only around data from our sales and customer service departments...

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